Meet the Team.

Sub Teams

We split into two groups to cover all of our responsibilities as a team. If you want to build practical engineering and/or collaboration and outreach skills, we’ve got a spot for you!


  • Bladesmithing & metallurgical research

  • Competition blade design

  • Forge and anvil handling/care

  • Computer modelling

Marketing & Communications

  • Team social media management

  • Team website management

  • Outreach (sponsorship)

  • Budgeting


Douglas McKinnon

Technical Co-Lead (Co-op)

Connor Gingera


Kerrie Ye


Leonard Gao

Technical Co-Lead

Justin Phang

Technical Co-Lead

Yu-Shan Chou

Marketing-Communications Lead

Julia Grabovac

Lead Safety Officer

 Honoring our Alumni

Thank you for the countless hours and mountains of energy you gave us, you will be missed. We wish you the best as you sharpen your spirit and forge your future!


Candice Simms


Geneva Lawrence

Jeff Koster

Gauri Taneja

Samantha Price

Xavier Biancardi